Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photoshop makes my computer make a lot of noise?

is this normal? the fan begins to make a lot of noise every time i use photoshop. and if it's not suppose to do that, is there a way i can "calm" the computer down. not make it go crazy and all.

Photoshop makes my computer make a lot of noise?ducati

The fan turns on because the hard disk and processor is operating more to accommodate the workload of photo shop.

Photo shop must maintain at least two copies of every image and any number of copies of edits. So it is very memory intensive and uses a lot of free disk space. The disk is writing and reading furiously and the fan kicks on.

Now... if you are sure the noise is ONLY your fan, then you can solve that problem by getting a new fan. They are cheap and easy to install. You do not need any specialized computer knowledge to do this. You will have to open the case and unplug the old noisy fan to replace it. Make sure the new fan you get has the proper current draw. That figure is listed on the fan itself. If you are not sure about that, have someone at the local computer-parts store read the fan's specs for you.

If the noise is NOT just the fan, it will probably be the hard drive itself. IDE drives will fail over time, but before they do, they usually give us warning signs, and NOISE is the chief sign.

Still, there is no reason to panic. Back up all your data. Get a new drive and install it or have it installed for you.

You should be OK.

Photoshop makes my computer make a lot of noise?hp

Photoshop requires too much RAM and the processor has to work more and it gets hot while working so the fans have to rotate faster. Thats normal.

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