Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photoshop Help for a Hippie Project!?

i have an end-of-the-year project to do and i want to make it really good and end the year with a bang. The project is on Jimi Hendrix. I am a medium-knowledge photoshop user and i want to make the pictures really trippy and hippie like. How can I do this or what are some ideas, or tutorial links so i can do this?

Photoshop Help for a Hippie Project!?suzuki

Here's some great retro-look tutorials:

Photoshop Help for a Hippie Project!?virus

there is a filter called posterize - that will give it a more psychadelic feel.

and if you use the swirling technique for the background that should give you the results you are looking for.
try googling dude.. u'll get a hell lot.. n instead of reading try playin around with the settings n other effects.. u'll create somany great ones that u'll finally get confused.. n try fliping tru articles n websites n all n see hows pics are created there.. u'll get good hints from there..

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