Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Photoshop, writing is HUGE, please tell me why?

ON Photoshop my writing is huge, I have to set it at about 1-1.5 so that it fits on the area I'm working on, is there anything that could of caused this, and anyway of fixing the problem? cheers

Photoshop, writing is HUGE, please tell me why?download

I've encountered this problem a few times when working with images that I've found online. My thought as to why it happens could be if the image resolution is really high. I'm not sure entirely on how to fix it, I just make my writing small enough for what I am working on if that is possible.

Sorry if this doesn't help, just thought I'd add my experience with the matter.

Photoshop, writing is HUGE, please tell me why?hijackthis

change the size of your canvas, you probably only have a small canvas to work on and so the fonts are appearing to be huge even at those small font sizes.

In reality it is just that it is a small canvas zoomed in to high magnification, making the fonts appear to be too big in comparison to the overall size of the image.
Yeah, it is probably just because it is zoomed too far in... check the percentage at the top of the window that you are working on, if it is over 100% then go to 'view' and then click zoom out until you get it to 100%. Then go to 'layer' and click 'canvas size' and make the canvas the right size that you are needing... should fix your problem...

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