Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Newest Version of Photoshop?

Hi! I have a very close friend serving in Iraq and I didn't recieve his address until very recently (too late to send a package in time for Christmas.) I asked him what he would like for a belated Christmas present and he said the newest version of Photoshop. So, my questions are:

1. What is the newest version of Photoshop?

2. Where can I buy it?

3. About how much will I be spending?

Thank you very much!

Newest Version of Photoshop?suzuki

The newest version is CS3 ($700) or CS3 Extended ($1000)

You can buy it at most electronic stores that sell software or at the adobe website.


Newest Version of Photoshop?virus

Does he have internet access? Adobe has already released 10.0.1 patch for it. I couldn't find it on their website (at least it's not there to be downloaded yet). So he will run a current version, if you bought him one, but he will not be able to download the patches.

And he wil need an internet access to activate it, too. Can't imagine Adobe would have an office there?
Beware, CS3 can't be installed on Windoze 2000. Installs fine on XP and newer operating systems.
If he has a fairly recent older version, there is an upgrade that costs less, so it would be worth your time to find out. There is a student priced version, so if he somehow qualifies for that (maybe he interrupted his schooling to enter the service), that would be a savings also.
1. Photoshop CS3.

2. A computer store like Best Buy. You can try ebay, too. As long as the CD has no scratches and it comes with the license key.

3. We're talking from $500-700.

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